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Connemara: Listening to the Wind, Penguin Ireland October 2006, hardback, ISBN 1-844-88065-2, €25. Winner in the Irish Book Awards 2007, and short-listed for the Royal Society of Literature’s Ondaatje Prize 2007. Paperback, Penguin UK, 2007, ISBN 978-1-844-88066-9. €13. (Also now available in the States from Penguin USA.) A Dutch pb edition, Connemara: Luisterend naar de wind, translator Gerrit Jan Zwier, published by Atlas, Amsterdam, is available at €25.
Connemara: The Last Pool of Darkness was published by Penguin Ireland in September 2008 and will appear in paperback from Penguin UK in 2009. This volume deals with the Atlantic seaboard of Connemara, where the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein found "the last pool of darkness in Europe". ISBN 978-1-844-88155-0 (hb), €25.
See News from Folding Landscapes.
The following books written or edited by Tim Robinson, and two fine-art prints, are also available from Folding Landscapes. Prices in Euros, p&p charges on application.
of Aran
Part 1: Pilgrimage (Lilliput Press 1986), out of print, but now has been republished in the New York Review of Books (NYRB) Classics series, 2008, at $18.95 (available through Amazon etc.), and by by Faber and Faber, London, at £12.99 (pb; ISBN 9780571241040). New introduction by Robert Macfarlane.
Part 2: Labyrinth (Lilliput Press 1995), out of print, but to be republished in 2009 by the NYRB.
A Dutch version of Pilgrimage has now been published
under the title De Aran-eilanden . The translation is by Maxim de Winter, and
the book has a foreword by Cees Nooteboom. Atlas (Amsterdam) 2004,
ISBN 90 450 0733 9, €24.90.
Setting Foot on the Shores of Connemara and other writings
(Lilliput Press 1996). A collection of essays 1976-96, on the art of
mapping, language and landscape, etc.
Hardback: ISBN 1 874675 79 1, €25.
Time in Space (Lilliput Press 2001) The author considers the different
sorts of space that have outcropped in his life as a student of geometry, abstract
artist, cartographer, environmentalist, topographical writer, hitchhiker and
homelover - not quite an autobiography but "a series of walks on the bank of
a river of untold tales". Some of these essays have appeared in The Recorder,
New York, and The Irish Review, Cork, and the last one, 'The Fineness of Things'
was selected for inclusion in Best American Essays 2001. Another essay, 'Constellation
and Questionmark', recounts Tim Robinson's contentious encounters with the extraordinary
mathematician George Spencer-Brown, author of Laws of Form and of a claimed
proof of the famous Four-Colour Map Theorem. ISBN 1 901866 64 5. €20.
Tales and Imaginings 1965-98 (Lilliput Press 2002). "Throughout most of my life, at intervals and very slowly, I have written pieces of fiction. Now that they have bulked up enough to be called a collection, it is a curious experience for me to read through them. Do I recognise their authors? I seem to enter a room of mirrors situated at various distances into the past. This young man aglow with the Orient, this dweller in European cities subject to metaphysical aftershocks, this Atlantic hermit with his mate, this word-logged pet-loving contemplative - none is exactly myself, but I can see that each to a degree is responsible for me. And so I bear a reciprocal responsibility, and want to take their shortcomings on my shoulders."
Most of these pieces have not been published previously, but 'Orion the Hunter'
appeared in The Recorder, New York, and was selected for The Best American Essays
1998, ed. Cynthia Ozick, Houghton Mifflin Co., New York.
ISBN 1 84351 001 4. €20.
Through Prehistoric Eyes A beautiful edition of this
essay (reprinted from Setting Foot on the Shores of Connemara) with a fold-out
of six colour photographs including spectacular shots of the midwinter solstice
sunset aligned with a Bronze-Age stone row in the Twelve Bens discovered by
the author. Published in a limited edition of 300 copies as the third number
of Sealevel by October Foundation, Nijenrode 107, 5653 JD Eindhoven, The Netherlands
(tel. +31 (0) 2524266). November 2001.
ISSN 1569-1128. €22.
Connemara after the Famine: journal of a survey of the Martin
Estate, 1853, Thomas Colville Scott (Lilliput Press, 1995). A previously
unpublished account of places and people in 'that inhabited desolation, Connemara
after the Famine'. Edited with introduction, map and notes by Tim Robinson.
ISBN 1 874675 69 4, €10.
The Aran Islands, J.M. Synge (Penguin Books, 1992).
Edited with introductory essay and notes by Tim Robinson.
ISBN 1 874675 69 4. €15.
Chonamara Theas / A Twisty Journey (Coiscéim, Dublin, 2002). A translation
into Irish by Liam Mac Con Iomaire of Tim Robinson's articles 'Mapping South
Connemara', parts 1-59, with facing English text, and drawings by Cliodhna Cussen.
Spás, Am, Conamara (Coscéim, Dublin, 1993). A translation by Liam Mac Con Iomaire of the essay 'Space, Time and Connemara' from Connemara Part 1. €6.35.
The View from the Horizon (Coracle, Ballybeg, Grange, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, 1997). Texts and images linking constructions made by the artist Timothy Drever in London in 1972 with subsequent writings and maps by his alter ego Tim Robinson in Ireland. This elegantly produced book evolved out of the installation of the same name shown at the Irish Museum of Modern Art in 1996. ISBN 0 906630 07 X. €15.
Cape Distance, landscape photographs by Werner Hannappel with a text, 'Approaching the Glacier', by Tim Robinson, in English with French translation. Arp Editions, Rue Bossaerts 131, 1030 Bruxelles, Belgium (tel. 32-2-215 94 01, fax 32-2-245 31 20). This superb production can be ordered through Folding Landscapes. €40.
Olwen Fouéré in The Bull's Wall (Coracle, Ballybeg, Grange, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary) A 'Little Critic' pamphlet describing an imaginary film set in the Aran Islands, in which the well-known actress Olwen Fouéré plays nobody. ISBN 0 906630 12 6. €5 inc. p&p.
Árainn A fine-art print produced by Evans Editions, New York, and Christopher Cahill for the American Irish Historical Society, New York (tel. 212 288 2263). Tim Robinson's black-and-white map of the largest of the three Aran Islands, etched onto 16-gauge copper and hand-printed on Zecchi paper hand-made in Florence. Paper 48 by 69 cms, image 31 by 50 cms. An edition of 50, with 20 artist's proofs, 5 printer's proofs and 4 hors de commerce. $550 or Euro equivalent.
Vegetable Plot at L8511 A four-colour offset and letterpress print produced
by Coracle Press in an edition of 150. Paper 48 by 33 cms, in a clear plastic
mailing tube. October 2003. €75.
Tim Robinson writes about the genesis of this print: 'In 1977 in the Aran Islands, M. and I tried our hands at growing vegetables for the first time, in a plot ridged like the traditional Aran potato field, beside our garden path. I kept the weather-beaten bit of paper recording our muddled efforts as a memento, and on looking at it again I am reminded of how, when we were at work there, path and ridges defined our private sense of direction, throwing the north, south, east and west of the National Grid out of kilter. Nevertheless the unchanging abstractions of official cartography insensibly penetrated the time-bound little domain, and I was always conscious of the angle, the argument, between so-called True North and our Garden North.'
All the above publications are available from Folding Landscapes, Roundstone, Co. Galway (tel. 095 35886, e-mail [email protected]).
Main distributors of Folding Landscapes Publications:
Easons and Son Ltd., Wholesale Book Division, Furry Park Industrial Estate Santry,
Dublin 9 (tel. 01 8622111, fax 01 8622672)
AIS, 31 Fenian St., Dublin 2 (tel. 01 6616522, fax 01 6612378)
UK (maps only):
Cordee Books, 3A de Montfort St., Leicester LE1 7HD (tel. 0116 254 3579; fax
0116 247 1176)