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Maps and books from Folding Landscapes

Prices in Euros; p&p charges on application.

The Burren, a two-inch map of the uplands of north-west Clare. Shows the scarped limestone topography, National Park, roads and paths, caves and potholes, inset maps of Ballyvaughan, Kilfenora and Lisdoonvarna. Comprehensive archaeological coverage: 450 cashels, ringforts and similar enclosures, 74 megalithic tombs, numerous early churches, tower houses etc. Introductory essay on the cover. This updates the 1977 1.8-inch map, showing many recent discoveries, new developments, farm roads etc. Read introduction to 1999 edition
PUBLISHED JULY 1999, ISBN 0 9530509 1 2, €10.
Michael Crane used my map to locate and make a collection of 360VR photographs of the springs and churches in the Burren.

Arann map Oileáin Árann, a Map of the Aran Islands, Co. Galway, and a Companion to the Map. An update (1996) and redrawing of our previous (1980) map, at 2.2 inches to the mile, showing the complex network of paths and all sites of archaeological, historical and folklife interest. The detailed represention of the landforms includes the principal ledges of the cliffs, and a diagrammatic cross-section reveals the unusual limestone geology. The Companion is a 96-page book summarising the islands' history, explaining hundreds of placenames and describing the many Stone Age, Bronze Age, Celtic Iron-Age and Early Christian monuments.
ISBN 0 9504002 7 0. €16 (book and map, in a plastic wallet). Map only, ISBN 0 9530509 2 0, €10.

Connemara: Part 1, Introduction and Gazetteer; Part 2, a 1-inch map. The large map-sheet shows virtually all the many known archaeological sites as well as natural features, forestry, roads, tracks and buildings. Several thousand Irish placenames are recorded, many of them for the first time. Part 1, a 146-page book, comprises a long essay on the geology, landscape formation, archaeology and history of the region, and a gazetteer covering the area townland by townland, with detailed notes on local history (e.g. of the great pre-Famine landlords and subsequent changes in ownership) and English translations of all the Irish placenames. Won a 'highly commended' citation in the British Cartographical Design Awards for 1992.
ISBN 0 9504002 5 4. Parts 1 and 2 together in plastic folder, €20.

Maps for Framing Uncreased signed copies of the Aran, Burren and Connemara map sheets, and of our Mountains of Connemara map sheet (which is otherwise out of print) are available, in mailing tubes, at €50 each.

Western Way mapSlí an Iarthair or The Western Way in Connemara (Folding Landscapes, 1997). The long-distance footpath from Oughterard to Leenaun via Maam, described by Joss Lynam, in six stages, each illustrated with a five-colour map drawn by Justin May. Designed and edited by Tim Robinson.
ISBN 0 9504002 8 9. €6.

Mementos of Mortality (Folding Landscapes, 1991). Among the many extraordinary features of Árainn, the largest of the Aran Islands, is a unique series of elaborate wayside memorials to ordinary islanders, built during the last century at a time of great poverty in the islands. These monuments are discussed in relation to cenotaphs built in the 1740s by the Fitzpatricks, the then landlords of the islands, and to the ancient folk custom of building little cairns at certain points along the routes of funeral processions. All the inscriptions of these monuments, in their curious formulaic English, are recorded in full for the first time, and the book is illustrated with eighteen photographs by Gilbert Stucky, and a location map.
ISBN 0-9504002-6-2. €12.50 hardback, €9.50 paperback.

A Prime for the MillenniumA Prime for the Millennium, John B. Cosgrave. Some whole numbers can be divided up into smaller factors; for example 10 is 5 ´ 2. Other numbers can't, like 7 and 31. These are the prime numbers. Their strange properties have tantalised mathematicians ever since Euclid in the third century BC proved that there are an infinite number of them.
On the evening of January 6th, 1999, the Dublin mathematician John B. Cosgrave left his computer humming to itself over a problem in the theory of primes, and the next morning he found it had fortuitously identified a prime with exactly two thousand digits. The excited e-mail he wrote to his young nephew and niece describing in simple terms the discovery of 'the Millennium Prime' is the basis of this booklet. Tim Robinson contributes a preface in which he likens the sequence of primes to "a line of monoliths, each taller than the last, leading beyond all horizons," and concludes that "the mystery of primes is the prime mystery."
Beautifully designed by Simon Cutts of Coracle Press, this 48-page hand-sewn quality paperback will appeal to anyone with an eye to fine book production or an interest in science and its overlap with literature. The spacious layout makes the explanation of the mathematics involved easy to follow, and the foil-blocked and laminated cover shows the immense prime number with its two thousand digits. This booklet will make an unusual keepsake of the Millennium.
ISBN 0 9530509 0 4. €7.

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